Jun 7, 2007

Windows Vista First Touch

My new desktop comes with Windows Vista. It's cool. I would like to try if things I need work or not.

1. Oracle 10g client is cetified by Oracle. However, Vista still popped up incompatible warning. It works fine.

2. Oracle 9i client
I need Oracle 9i client to access some greatgrand-level databases(ex.8.1.6, as the new baby 11g is coming). I used, it got incompatible warning too, but it seems working fine.

3. PL/SQL Deveoper

When I run PL/SQL Developer 6, I got OCI error message. I thought of this issue occuring before. After granding full control permission of Oracle files to my domain user, it works.

4. SQL Server 2005

As I need to set up SQLH2, which requires SQL Server and Reporting service.
When I tried to install SQL Server 2005, I saw IIS warning message during system configuration checking. After searched in google, the workaround is found:

4.1. From Microsoft Support Site:
"You receive a warning message on the System Configuration Check page of the SQL Server 2005 Setup program on a computer that is running Windows Vista or a Server Core installation of Windows Server "Longhorn"" http://support.microsoft.com/kb/920201

4.2. Martin Poon's blog:

After reconfigured and restarted IIS 7 on Vista, system config checking is all passed. SQL Server is installed successfully with Reporing Service.
For Vista, it required SQL Server 2005 SP2.

Other Notes:

To install IIS 7 or the IIS 7 components in Windows Vista, visit the following IIS Web site:

To install IIS 7 or the IIS 7 components in a Server Core installation of Windows Server "Longhorn," visit the following IIS Web site:

How to install SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services on a Windows Vista-based computer

Running SQL Server on "Microsoft Windows Server Longhorn" or Microsoft Windows Vista