Oct 4, 2006

Oracle Diagnostic Tools

RACDDT - a data collection tool designed and configured specifically for gathering diagnostic data related to Oracle's Real Application Cluster (RAC) technology.
See MetalinkNote:301138.1

RDA - Remote Diagnostic Agent -
a set of command line diagnostic scripts that are used to gather detailed information about an Oracle environment.
See Metalink Note:314422.1
RDA 4 - Health Check / Validation Engine Guide
RDA 4 - RAC Cluster Guide

OSW - OS Watcher -
a collection of UNIX shell scripts intended to collect and archive operating system and network metrics to aid support in diagnosing complex RAC issues as well as generic performance issues.

LTOM - The On-Board Monitor -
a java program designed as a real-time diagnostic platform for deployment to a customer site. LTOM differs from other support tools, as it is proactive rather than reactive. LTOM provides real-time automatic problem detection and data collection.

Support Diagnostics Tools Catalog for E-Business Suite -
a test repository, execution engine, and user interface for customers, support analysts, and developers to plug-in diagnostic test tools/scripts
See MetalinkNote:179661.1